Announcement Admission Open 2024-25 : | CAT | CDS | CLAT | CUET | GMAT | Govt. Exams | GRE | IELTS | IMU CET | LSAT | MPSC | NATA | NDA | NID | NIFT | UCEED |
Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
Mahatma Gandhi
"To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge."
Benjamin Disraeli
"We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live, they travel far."
Swami Vivekanand
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“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: and people who mean to be their own Governor, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” —– Jame Madison

The opportunity to shape the minds and lives of young children and providing them with means of attaining knowledge is a divine blessing and we are fortunate to have been ordained with it. Young Talents are like Diamonds. We help them discover diamond in them. Our purpose is to Shape, Nurture & make them Shine. It is our obligation to be the Guiding Light to Young Talents, to Help them and Inspire them, to become Achievers by providing them the Right Direction in this myriad of opportunities, by arming them with weapons of intelligence, so failure may never see their door.

We accomplish this by always improving, by constantly striving for greater Excellence and assiduously innovating to raise levels of Education. It is our duty to perform this task with Integrity and Perseverance.We have a mission to Empower Young Talents for a Better Life.


Empower Young Talents for a Better Life.


To scale-up pan India and shape the lives of a million young talents.


Our Teaching is based on the famous Quotes by Confusious:

” I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. ” —- Confusious. Chinese philosopher & reformer (551 BC – 479 BC)


Enhance problem solving ability, inculcate the habit of Research, better Time Management, Smart Learning, Outdoing Competition.


New Topic Learning Objectives. Discussion on Chapter Theory. Begin from Basics with Concept Building. Build strong Fundamentals and move to Advance Level, by Practice Exercises and Home Work.


Assignments are provided to every student for Self-evaluation.


Offline Mock Tests are conducted periodically to enhance the progress of students.


Students are given Login & Password to take practice Online Tests in line with Examining Bodies.


” asato ma sadgamaya
tamaso ma jyotirgamaya
mrtyorma amrtam gamaya”

From: (Brhadaranyaka Upanishad — I.iii.28)

Translation in English:

Lead me from the asat to the sat.
Lead me from darkness to light.
Lead me from death to immortality.


Quality, Trust, Self-motivation, Innovation, Accountability and Equanimity.


Knowledge is awareness of knowing about what, why, when, where and how of anything. Knowledge is power. Knowledge sharpens the mind and intelligence, which in turn improves farther quest and desire for adventure and investigation.

We believe that learning is most effective when presented in a relevant context so that the skills, strategy, and knowledge are meaningful to participants and can be applied directly in the training. We use a “learning by doing” training methodology to support skill change through highly interactive training. Using our customized cases and exercises, we ensure that participants apply the skills and strategies learned and receive intensive coaching and feedback.

Bob Pike’s Laws of Learning:

Law 1: Adults are Babies with Big Bodies

Recall the kinds of learning activities we did as small children—coloring, drawing, finger-painting…all hands-on activities. Children with very little experience learn through experience. As adults, we bring a lot of experience to our training programs. We want to acknowledge, honor and celebrate that experience. If, as children with very little experience, we could discover and learn, how much more as adults can we discover and learn.

 Law 2: People Don’t Argue with Their Own Data

If I say something in a training session, you might believe that I’m convinced about its truth—but just because I said it, doesn’t mean you believe it. However, if you say it, you believe it. Having groups in my training sessions create their own lists, such as characteristics of effective leaders, means they’ve compiled their own data—things they believe to be factual. And they oftentimes cover about 80 percent of what I was going to say, leaving me only 20 percent to fill in. I find the group much more willing to accept my suggestions for that 20 percent than if I try to present them all.

 Law 3: Learning is Directly Proportional to the Amount of Fun You Have

The sheer joy of learning can come from involvement and participation. Few of us have the entertainment capacity of Bob Hope or Tim Allen and the ability to keep our audience riveted for hours. But we, as trainers, don’t have to! We can use the energy, involvement and participation of our audience to put into their personal learning experiences the excitement they vicariously get from some of their entertainment activities. Humor can aid enormously in reducing stress and anxiety, especially when it comes to learning. And a more relaxed atmosphere means more openness to learning.

 Law 4: Learning has not Taken Place Until Behavior has Changed

In training, it’s not what you know—it’s what you do with what you know that counts. That’s why skill practice is so important in our training sessions. If we want people to do things differently, we must provide them with many opportunities to be comfortable accepting new ideas in a non-threatening environment. C.S. Lewis said, “A man with experience is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.” Give people successful experiences in using information and techniques in the classroom so we increase the likelihood of on-the-job application.

 Law 5: Fu Yu, WuYu, Wzu Tu Yu

Roughly translated, this means Momma’s having it, and Papa’s having it, ain’t like baby having it.

If I can do something from my seminar, so what? If you can do something from one of my seminars, so what? It’s when you can successfully transfer that learning to someone else (or Baby), that I as a trainer know I’ve done my job. It’s one confirmation of your competence—when you can pass on what you know to someone else.